The Politics of Information Access

Honors College
HON 201 (Section 53330)
Thursday, 4:00-4:50, 117 Lincoln Hall

Class moved from 101 Douglas Hall to
117 Lincoln Hall

Laura Quilter | | 996-8974
Veronda Pitchford | | 996-2728

Synopsis - Requirements - Syllabus - Readings - Facilitating - Papers & Projects
Course Projects

Synopsis and Raison d'Etre

This course will critically analyze the structure of the modern information society. We will examine the political ramifications of production and access to information.

For years, pundits have said that the US is moving away from an industrial economy and toward an information economy. Statistics such as "80% of all jobs are related to the information economy" seem to bear this out. Yet information is still in many ways a nebulous term. We will examine traditional and new methods of producing, storing, distributing and accessing information, and the ramifications of different methods. The course will be primarily discussion-based, with some short guest lectures. Class participation is crucial. Ongoing participation (in-class and via listserve) and a single class project will be required of students.

What Is To Be Done? (Course Requirements)

current stats 12/97 stats 11/97 stats 10/97 stats 9/97 stats


readings on reserve


old files